Why Shiksha?

Why Shiksha Niketan School?

  • Are you looking for
  •  ” Creative School” ?
  • A School which develops Excellent English Communication Skills?
  • A School which encourages “Sports,Music,Art and other Extracurricular activities”?
  • A School which teaches Kannada and Hindi Creatively?
  • A School where Cricket, FootBall ,Volleyball ,Chess are coached?
  •   Then you are at the right place. Shiksha Niketan School, Bangalore is the best School for your child.

Every parent want their Children to perform excellently in education and in other fields like Sports,Music, and other extracurricular activities.

Shiksha Niketan School provides ” Value Based Education adaptable to Changing environment through Creative learning techniques”

Shiksha Niketan is a very Creative and focused school for your Child’s development and continuously strives hard to put the necessary processes to improve the Learning experiences of the children.Our teachers believe in process development of learning experiences and inculcate values through creativity to the children.They work very hard for educating every child through their self-less service with dedication.

Then why are you waiting? contact Office immediately for admission.

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